"Pray As Children"
Matthew 6. 9
Matthew 6. 9
Introduction of the Lord’s Prayer Series:
a. Jesus’ first lesson on prayer had been his __________
b. I hope your heart’s desire will be- “Lord, teach us to _____.”
1. Jesus’ 1st Lesson in Prayer is a Right ___________ of The One to Whom We Pray, when we pray say, Our Father…
A. Some see God as a ___________
B. Jesus taught us to see God as He did…FATHER.
2. When you pray say, Our Father …in _________”
A. This is not so much about “where He is” as about His ___________
B. To some- “father” is not a good word…
C. To some “father” is meaningless
D. To some “father” is ________ word…brings special memories…warm feelings
3. Take In Mind the Good Concept of Earthly Father Raised to Realm of __________ and This Gives Beginnings of a Right Understanding of The One to Whom We Pray
A. We are to pray as Children
B. God’s children fall into two groups
i. Those who recognize
ii. Those who _______Him
C. Jesus reminds us that The Father loves ______ groups
D. Even though the story is a parable…it is truth
ii. There is a Father who wants His children to know His love
E. We have _____ strayed, denied our Heavenly Father, and damaged our relationship with Him
- Yet Jesus said, “WHEN YOU PRAY SAY, OUR ________”
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