"What Are You Working For?"
John 6: 25-27; Proverbs 23: 4-5

John 6. 25-27
1.  Do You Look Forward to _________?
A.  How can we week for ________ rather than for what spoils?
B.  If work leads to eternal results, then every job might be a “__________” not just a job.
2.  The People Followed Jesus
A.  There were miracles, _______, and benefits
B.  They ________ the main point
C.  Greater things - deeper, higher, meaningful, satisfying
4.  Jesus Was ______________
A.  With the crowd
B.  Jesus’ message- Work for that which ___________
C.  Jesus wants us to raise our life aspirations and __________
5.  So, How Can We Work for Enduring and Eternal Food?
A.  Consider what is ___________
B.  Consider what is uncertain
C.  Consider what endures and is eternal:
                              i.  God’s _________
                              ii.  God’s kingdom, power, and glory
                              iii.  Faith, hope, and ___________…
                              iv.  Those who know Jesus…
6.  So What Are You Working For?
A.  Are you __________ to God today than a year ago?
B.  Is your job a calling…and an opportunity for ________ Jesus?
C.  How might God want to use you as His person?

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