"Why Christians Should Have Friends"
Proverbs 27: 17

Why Christians Should Have Friends
Proverbs 27. 17

INTRO:  Why Should Christians have friends? 
- The Answer:  FRIENDS MAKE US _____________!
                   - Today I want to look at some ways in which friends make us better (5 of                                    them)

1.  FRIENDS HELP US LEARN______________________________  
A.  Friends show us our good points 
B.  Friends show us our _______ points while enemies only flatter us.
C.  Friends help us take off our masks and own up to our failings.

2.  FRIENDS HELP US LEARN ______________________________  
A.  Sharing our blessings with friends teaches us to give 
B.  Watching our friends give to those in need inspires us to do likewise
C.  When our friends hurt, or are troubled, we do what we can to _______

3.  FRIENDS HELP US LEARN  _____________________________  
A.  If listening is only 8-10% auditory, then we need to learn to watch for cues and other language. 
B.  When we really listen we are more likely to care, and to show God’s love

4.  FRIENDS HELP US LEARN  ____________________________________  
A.  Having a variety of friends teaches us to be tolerant of others’_______
B.  Friends teach us to be sensitive to others
C.  How can we win others to faith in Jesus Christ if we don’t care about them, and if we don’t take the time to understand.

5.  FRIENDS HELP US TO  ____________________________________  
A.  Friends give us godly _______ (Prov. 27.9)
B.  Friends teach us how  to walk in Christ by their example (Phil 3. 17)
C.  By discussing our faith with us, friends help us know what we believe and why we believe it.

6.  WHAT TO DO:  
A.  That we will seek to be______  someone new during month of Aug 
B.  That we will express our __________ to a special friend whom God has given us.

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