"Hope-Filled Living in Days of Suffering"
1 Peter 3. 15-17

1 PETER 3. 15-17

     I.        WHEN WE ARE SUFFERING MANY ___________ ARISE:
A.    _______ Questions:
B.      WHAT Questions
C.     OTHER Questions:

   II.        HOW HAVE  ____ BEEN SUFFERING?
A.    People suffer in many ways
B.      Some suffer _____________ at the hands of others?
C.     Some suffer for doing __________

 III.        A PROMINENT THEME of  1 ________  is HOPE:
A.    Believer’s Hope is  -   ______________
B.      Inner power & ability that shows strength.
C.     Causes people to notice and to ASK

 IV.        Question: Are you ENJOYING _____-Filled Living?   
- Peter tells us how we can have “hope-filled living” (v. 15)

A.    “Set apart Christ as _________”
·   Invite Jesus to be your SOLID ROCK; your “MIGHTY FORTRESS”…Your REFUGE…Your SECURITY  - Psalm 31. 2-3

B.      Always be prepared
·   Live in such a way that your faith and your courage will inspire others to “rise above by faith.”

C.     ___________   and respect

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