"Share the Hope - Telling God's Story"
1 Peter 1: 3-5

1 Peter 1. 3-5
                         I.        We are Called to Help Tell God’s Story of _____________: 
a.     The Church has the best news in the world to share 
b.     1 Peter is often called The Epistle of _________

II.        Remember ______ We Are: 
a.     His _________ People
b.     We are people of HOPE
c.      Hope _____ is not hope (Romans 8.24)

III.        Remember Where _______ Is:
a.     This is NOT OUR _________
b.      Our best HOPE lies in the future-
c.      “Lord _____ have been our dwelling place through all generations.” (Ps 90)

IV.        Remember  What the _______ Is:  To Be a Blessing to  Others:
a.     Called to Blessing
b.     Do you know how to “bless others?” 

  V.        Remember _________ To Share Your Hope:
a.     When anyone asks:  3. 15- always be ready when anyone asks you to give the reason for the hope you have…
b.     When You are _________ and Going Through Various Trials

         VI.        Remember That You are NOT __________:
a.     God is with us
b.     You have a spiritual ___________

         VII.        Remember To Share The HOPE
a.     Enjoy the Hope ___________
b.     Share the Hope With Others

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