1 Thessalonians 5. 12-28
"Final Instructions"

I Thessalonians 5. 12-28

I.  Paul’s letter Returns to Theme:  How Shall We Live to ______ God?
A.  Paul lists several practices and attitudes 
B.  There are some Inward & Outward __________ suggested.

II.  Living to Please and Honor Christ has to do with Our External ________
A.  A creed is a statement of faith…or beliefs
B.  Whether you know it or not you also profess an External ______

III.  1st Paul Mentions Our Treatment of Our _________ Leaders
A.  “________those who work hard among you, and are over you in the Lord.”
B.  Who are these people?
C.  Paul encourages respect and ________ of our spiritual leaders. 

IV.  Another External Creed: Our __________ of Brothers and Sisters
A.  Be at ______ with one another- How do we do this? 
B.  Warn the _____…Encourage the timid…Help the weak
C.  Some inward disciplines:  
D.  The way we treat our Brothers and Sisters in Christ is contagious

V.  Our External Creed- Shows in our Attitudes and Our __________
A.  Be joyful always…Pray continually…Give _______ in all circumstances
B.  A few more suggestions:
· Do not ________ the Spirit’s fire
· Do not treat prophecies with contempt 
· Be wise & discerning- test everything & hold on to what is _____
· Avoid every kind of evil.  

VI.  Paul’s Closing Blessing & Benediction: God is ________
A.  May God “sanctify” you
B.  May you be kept __________
C.  The one who call you is faithful land he will do it. (V. 24)
D.  Question: ____ God able to do what he has called you to do, and be?  

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