
"So Blessed - So Forgetful"

1 Thessalonians 5. 18

So Blessed - So Forgetful
1 Thessalonians 5. 18

I.  WE ARE SO ___________:   How are we blessed?
A.  By things received
B.  By things _______ received
C.  By the loving & gracious people in our lives
D.  God’s grace and ___________

A.  One of our inalienable rights…   
B.  “We _________ our work, work at our play and play at our worship.”  

III.  WE DON’T SAY IT ENOUGH-  _________ You!
A.  Give thanks in ______ circumstances…
· A positive, thankful person is a great witness in this dark world.

· Giving thanks is God’s will for our lives.
· Giving thanks to God and others is what pleases the Lord.

B.  Are you thankful in hard times?

C.  Can you thank God for your ___________? 

D.  Make sure you say it

· There are things that _________  to be said…
· You need to say it…and others need to hear it
· Or you can _________  IT! 

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