"An Invitation to Powerful Prayer"
Hebrews 4: 16
"Worship - More Than a Song"
John 4: 19-24

WORSHIP: More Than a Song
John 4. 19-24

I.                   What Is Worship?
A.   Lots of examples
B.    Also instructions on what ______ to worship
C.   Worship IS:
1.        An Encounter with the __________ God
2.        Not about ____ - but about giving to God

II.                  _______ Should We Worship?
A.   We desire to be _________ and inspired by the presence of God
B.    God desires our worship
C.   When we worship God In Spirit and in Truth- we leave __________

III.                        How Should We Worship?
A.   God seeks those who worship Him in ___________
B.    God seeks those who worship Him in ________
C.   God seeks those who worship with all that they are.

IV.               What Is Worship To You?
A.   Is it something that changes you?   
B.    Do you come together with other believers to _____ back to God?

C.   Perhaps as we worship today you need to give _________ to God?  
"Spiritual Exercise in the New Year"
Hebrews 12. 1-2