"Life Lessons from Harvest Time"
Luke 12. 13-34
Life Lessons From Harvest Time
Luke 12. 13-34
I. Jesus Met A ______ In Audience Who Was Greedy:
A. Parable of ____ _____
B. “Beware…of greed”
C. Teaching about trusting God to provide
II. What Is Greed
A. An _______…worry, fear, desire to control, to keep for oneself
B. Jesus’ teaching points us to greater truth- THE _________ OF ONE’S LIFE
III. There Are Three Ways One May Find Value In Life:
A. Having What is ______:
B. _______What is Good: this is a step up from “having what is good.”
C. ________ ______ Who is Right:
IV. JESUS’ LESSON FROM THE HARVEST- Is About Our Source Of _________
A. For some security is “Having what is good.”
B. Look at what Jesus emphasized in these teachings about what is valuable.
i. (v. 15b) – a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his __________”
ii. (v. 23)- “Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.”
iii. (v. 33)- Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in _______ that will not be exhausted, where no thief will come near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there you heart will be also.
C. How can we Be One Who Is Right?”
V. Seek God’s Kingdom And These Things Will Be Given To You As Well.
A. If One’s Goal is security – invest in God’s Kingdom
B. So How Do We Do This:
i. Begin with a definite __________…a firm resolve
ii. Continue with an everyday conscious choice to follow your _________ … to walk with him, and to be His.