"Lessons of a Loving Father"
Luke 15. 11-32

Lessons of a Loving Father
Luke 15. 11-32

I.  The “Loving Heavenly Father” Seeks And Searches For Those Who Are Lost.
A.  Lost things- _________ (lost due to its wandering- ignorance)
B.  Lost coin- due to ___________ and lack of paying attention

II.  The Lost Son & Son Who ________ Home
A.  Older son seems mature & responsible…
B.  _______ son wants to “see the world.”  Wants the money to do that. 

III.  Eventually The Lost Son Is Faced With Tough ______________
A.  Money gone, friends gone, No food, lousy humiliating job
B.  ____________
C.  The Father receives him back AS A SON

IV.  The Older Son
A.  ___________, dependable, obedient
B.  He is jealous of younger brother
C.  As close as he remains with his father, he still doesn’t have his father’s _______. 

V.  We Have ______ Been Lost Persons.
A.  Wandering in ignorance- like the sheep 
B.  Lost due to the negligence of parents or others- 
C.  Maybe were lost due to ____________
D.  Or maybe like that older son, you’ve been close to the Father all along., but as close as you are you’re still ______- separated from The Father’s heart.

VI.  The Good News Of This Story- Is That The Loving Father Is __________. 
A.  The ________ _____-  is the Heavenly Father, who watches, and waits for us.
B.  His love in unconditional, and unending
C.  He will _________ all of those who turn to him in repentance and faith.
D.  And when anyone is “found”  by the Father…there is a great celebration!
There is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents…

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